

1.Last year,Korn Software made millions of dollars in profit through its innovative new e-learning product.

2.The life of Benjamin Franklin,
a practical man about whom many stories
have been told, was unusually productive.

3.Indiana University, one of the
largest in the nation, is located
in a small midwestern town.

4.During his life, Eugene O'Neill was regarded as the foremost
American dramatist.

5.The Social Security Act of 1935
was written to insure workers
against unemployment.

6.Chemists are not sureprecisely how cold fusion can occur .


A 回答 (1件)

1.Last year,Korn Software made millions of dollars in profit through its innovative new e-learning product.

昨年コーンソフトウェアは、新たに開発したe ラーニング商品によって数百万ドルの売り上げを達成した。

2.The life of Benjamin Franklin,
a practical man about whom many stories
have been told, was unusually productive.

3.Indiana University, one of the
largest in the nation, is located
in a small midwestern town.

4.During his life, Eugene O'Neill was regarded as the foremost
American dramatist.

5.The Social Security Act of 1935
was written to insure workers
against unemployment.

6.Chemists are not sure precisely how cold fusion can occur .
    • good
    • 1
