

A 回答 (5件)


冒頭に「答え」のほうの It depends. (場合によります)が落ちてました。
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City. 'Cause it's fun.

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I was raised in a small town in Kyushu, and entered a university

in Tokyo after graduating a rural, poor high school. In Tokyo everything was amazing for me in my twenties, became usual in thirties, then ended up exhausting in forties. I was burned out. Finally I decided to return to the West, which is often called as "U-turn" in Japan. Now almost everything surrounding me is comfortable for an old boy in fifties.
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I prefer to stay in urban centers which satisfy all of my longing

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I would like to live in a rural area where there is no school so

that I don't have to do stupid homework like this.
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thanks very much

お礼日時:2009/09/19 19:41
