
Security at Drive-up ATM and Night Depositories

Automated teller machines(ATMs) are fast easy way to withdraw cash,check accoun balances,transfer funds,and more.And night depositpries offer a quick and easy way to deposit cash other receipts.

You can use ATMs and night depositories easily,quicly and safely by being alert and following these safety guidelines:

1.Keep your engine running,the doors looked and the windows up tat all times when waiting in line at a drive-up AT or night depository.

2.When possible,leave enough room between cars to allow for a quick exit should it become necessary.

3.Before rolling down the window to use the ATN or night drop unit,observe the entire surrounding area.If you see anyone or anything that appears to be suspicious,drive away from the area at once.

Please note:National Bank cannotand does not guarantee customer safety during use of ATMs or night depositories.

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Thank you for the information. I'll keep that in mind.

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