
Can you speak English? わたしはがくせいです。わたしはさんいんせいです。I want to know what is the best way to remember katakana.

A 回答 (3件)


First it seems so hard to remember them.
But then you'll know it's not so much difficult.
The Katakana is used to write foreign or loan words in Japanese, or words
which have a special emphasis. A lot of foreign words are adopted into Katakana
with only minor modifications to their initial form, and understanding
the Katakana is essential to understanding how the Japanese interpret
these foreign words.

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     (A corrected version)

There are many ways for this. I would learn them in context rather than in rthe standard order such as a, i, u, e, o or ア、イ、ウ、エ、オ 。
     For example, there is a growing number (or should I say sickening number, well least a bewildering number) of words borrowed from European languages.

Just as I write, toppu (<top), kategori (<category), rankingu (<ranking), mai pe-ji (my page) are in katakana. Try writing トップ、カテゴリ、ランキング、マイページ。

    Pick up anything written in Japanese; newspapers, magazines, advertisements that you find everywhere. Pick items in katakana. Write them in Romaji, for example, when you see ”ポップアップ’ write "poppuappu" (this is an exercise in reading).

When you write, the stroke order is very important. So before you pick up strange orders look at the following (you do no have to listen to the music).


Then put the orginal away, and try writing poppuappu in katakana(this is an excercise in writing).

Then you can grade yourself checking what you wrote against the original. This way you can do both reading and writing and both are important in "remembering" katakana.
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There are many ways. I would learn them in context rather than a, i, u, e, o or ア、イ、ウ、エ、オ 。

     For example, there is a growing number (or should I say sickening number, well least a bewildering number) of words borrowed from European languages.

Just as I write, toppu (<top), kategori (<category), rankingu (<ranking), mai pe-ji (my page) are in katakana. Try writing トップ、カテゴリ、ランキング、マイページ。

    Pick up any thing written in Japanese; newspapers, magazines, advertisements that you find everywhere. Pick items in katakana. Write them in Romaji, for example, when you see ”ポップアップ’ write "poppuappu" (this is an exercise in reading).

When you write, the stroke order is very important. So before you pick up strange orders look at the following (you do no have to listen to the music).
put the orijinal away, and try writing poppuappu in katakana(this is an excercise in writing).

Then you can grade yourself checking what you wrote against the original. This way you can do both reading and writing and both are important in "remembering" katakana.
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