

「宿題が全くわかりません。 教えて下さい、」の質問画像

A 回答 (3件)

[1] 次の中から、正しい英文を4つ選び、記号で答えなさい。

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
ア There is little water in the glass.
イ You must come here till ??ven.
ウ I have written it just now.
エ He was laughed by all his friends.
オ He left for New York last night.
カ I like it better than anything else.
キ Birds are singing among the trees.

[2] 次の中から、正しい英文を3つ選び、記号で答えなさい。[ ] [ ] [ ]
ア C????? cuts so??lly with a knife.
イ My mother make good meals to us.
ウ You have no class tomorrow, don't you?
エ Our school lays in the western part of the city.
オ It is bad manners to speak with your mouth full.
カ Please come home before it will get dark.
キ She ordered the?? looks from New York.
ク School begins from April 8.
ケ I saw so e??ied m??le last night.
コ we don't ???? many ?um???s here.

[3] 次の??の分が両方とも正しければ〇で、両方とも間違っていれば×で、どちらかだけが間違っている場合はその記号で答えなさい。
□(1) [ ]
ア I ?? difficult to read an English book.
イ I am interesting in Japanese history.
□(2) [ ]
ア My pen is ??? as good as you.
イ Tom runs the fastest of the class.
□(3) [ ]
ア Let's go swimming, shall we?
イ Do kind to old people.
□(4) [ ]
ア I have never eaten such a big cake.
イ This is the pretiest cat that I have ever seen.
□(5) [ ]
ア Was this ???? made in a Japanese man?
イ The street is covered with snow.
□(6) [ ]
ア I don't know when did he come home.
イ Tell me who is that tall man.
□(7) [ ]
ア I ??? ?? reading the book.
イ It stopped to rain.

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