
1) バレンタインデーについてですが、私が中学生の頃は、その日、女の子はどうやって好きな男の子にチョコレートを渡すか、男の子はいくつもらえるかというのが大きな関心事でした。(時制など、かなり自信ないです)

As for Valentine's day, when I was in junior high, boys were concerned about how many chocolates they can get from girls,
and girls how to give chocolates to boys they like.

2) それ(義理チョコ)は、誰が名づけたのかは知りませんが"chocolate out of courtesy"と呼ばれるそうです。

I've heard it is called "chocolate out of courtesy", even though I don't know who named it.

3) それ(義理チョコ)は本命にあげるものとは違って、友達や父親や仕事仲間などにあげるチョコです。

It is not chocolates for someone special, but ones for male friends, fathers, co-workers, etc.
So it feels like Valentine's day in Japan is Chocolate day rather than Couple's day.

A 回答 (1件)

1) バレンタインデーについてですが、私が中学生の頃は、その日、女の子はどうやって好きな男の子にチョコレートを渡すか、男の子はいくつもら えるかというのが大きな関心事でした。

As for Valentine's day, when I was in junior high, boys were concerned about how many chocolates they can get from girls,
and girls how to give chocolates to boys they like.

As for Valentine's Day, when I was in Junior High, all that the boys were concerned about was with how many chocolates they could get from the girls, and all that the girls were interested in was with how to give chocolates to the boys they liked.
・私ならValentine's day をValentine's Dayとします。Christmas Day、New Years Dayと同じ理由で。
・特定の中学校ならjunior highよりJunior Highの方が良いかも。
・all that the ~ で、そればっかり気にしていた、との感じにしました。
・関心事をconcerned aboutとinterested inの二つを使ってみました。

2) それ(義理チョコ)は、誰が名づけたのかは知りませんが"chocolate out of courtesy"と呼ばれるそうです。
I've heard it is called "chocolate out of courtesy", even though I don't know who named it.

I've heard this to be called "chocolate out of courtesy", but I have no idea who thought up this name.
・ここは単純にbutを使い、名前を考え出した、でthought upとします。

3) それ(義理チョコ)は本命にあげるものとは違って、友達や父親や仕事仲間などにあげるチョコです。

It is not chocolates for someone special, but ones for male friends, fathers, co-workers, etc.
So it feels like Valentine's day in Japan is Chocolate day rather than Couple's day.

These chocolates are given to people that are not necessarily your favorite person, such as regular male friends, fathers, business colleagues, etc. So, Valentine's Day in Japan is very much a Chocolate Day rather than a special day for couples.
・co-workersでも構いませんが、business colleaguesの方が、ホワイトカラーっぽいかも。工場より事務所。雰囲気だけですが。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2002/12/07 00:10
