

If you could travel anywhere, where would you like to go?

If I could travel anywhere, I would go to Okinawa. When I was high school, I could not go to school trip for Okinawa. Although, I had been looking forward to going to the trip. I brought many books myself in order to know beautiful spots in Okinawa and to get nice items for my family. However, I had been sick before I went to there. It was three days ago. So, I could not see beautiful sea and buy presents for my family. Moreover, I have no memories of this trip. Therefore, I want to enjoy taking a trip in Okinawa. If I could travel in Okinawa, I could make a lot of memories with my friends.(116)

A 回答 (3件)

■would go → I would like to go

 w1k1ped1anさんの指摘のようにI would like toとすべきです。

■When I was high school → When I was in high school
 原文は「僕が高校だった頃」で意味不明なので、w1k1ped1anさんの通り、in high schoolとして下さい。

■I could not go to school trip → I missed a school trip to Okinawa.
 お二方とも指摘してませんが、できなかったという意味でcould notを使うのは止めた方がいいです。
 ネイティブはcould、would、mightなどが出てきたら、まず仮定法を考えます。そのつもりで読んでいって、if相当語句がなければ 、
 それからw1k1ped1anさんの指摘の通り、trip forではなくtrip toが正解です。

■~go to school trip for Okinawa. Although, I had been looking forward to going to the trip.
 I brought many books myself in order to know beautiful spots in Okinawa and to get nice items for my family

 → I had been looking forward to the trip so I brought a lot of books to look into beautiful sightseeing places in Okinawa and good souvenirs for my family

 Althoughは接続詞なので、Although+主語+動詞, 主語+動詞(あるいは主語+動詞, although+主語+動詞)の形でなければならないはずですが。
 ここは流れが悪いので、添削例では I missed a school trip to Okinawa.で一旦切って、I had been looking forward to と次の文を順接のsoで繋ぎました。(「ずっと楽しみにしていた"ので"本を買った」のでしょう?)

 many books myself の myselfは何を言いたいのか考え込んでしまいました。(なぜここに?)無くてもいいでしょう?
 あとmany books も変です。肯定文で「たくさん」は、(硬い論文でもない限り)a lot of 等が普通です。

 to know は 不自然なので to look intoに直しました。

 nice itemsも不自然です。ズバリsouvenirs「お土産」のことでしょう?

■However, I had been sick before I went to there. It was three days ago

 → I got sick three days before the departure

 It was three days agoを唐突に置いている所に苦労の後が偲ばれます。簡単に考えて下さい。「出発の3日前に病気になった」訳でしょう?

■So, I could not see beautiful sea and buy presents for my family

 → I neither see the beautiful sea nor buy anything for my family

 前も言ったように「できなかった」という意味でcould notは極力使わないで下さい。過去形の否定で十分意味が通ります。

■Moreover, I have no memories of this trip

 → What is worse than that is I have no memories of the trip

 「さらに悪いことには~(that以下)」の形にしました。それと this tripは変です。ずっと行けなかった旅行のことを議論しているのだからthe trip(既出のthe)のはずです。

■Therefore,I want to enjoy taking a trip in Okinawa

 → So, I would like to enjoy a trip to Okinawa

文体(style)の範疇かとも思いますが、Thereforeはいかにも硬い言い方です。(I think, therefore I am.「我思うゆえに我あり」みたいに使います)
 またI want to は、打って変わって非常に子供っぽい言い方です。(「僕、~がしたーい」みたいな感じです。)
 他人に見せるessayであれば、I would like to~とすべきです。

 taking a trip in Okinawaも変なのでa trip to Okinawaにしました。enjoyの目的語に無理に動名詞を持ってこなくてもいいでしょう。
 尚、graycat000さんの指摘の通りtrip toです。

■If I could travel in Okinawa, I could make a lot of memories with my friends

 → If I get a chance to go Okinawa again, I will make(have) a lot of memories with friends

  言いたいことはそうではないでしょう。体調を崩して昔は行けなかったけど今度は行って思い出を作りたい でしょう。
  添削例は「もし再度機会があったら~」に直しています。またI could ではなくてI willです。

   a lot of memories は大変結構です。make memoriesはhave memoriesでもいいです。

  最後にこだわりたいところがあります。my friendsは変です。所有格を取ってfriendsとして下さい。

肯定文で「たくさん」はmanyは不自然でa lot of 等が普通です。と書きましたが、これはこういうことです。疑問に思われた場合は下記を参照して下さい。

 (much" and "many")not used in affirmative clauses 

 In an informal style, we use "much" and "many" mostly in questions and negative clauses.
 In "most affirmative clauses" they are "unusual" (especially much)
 other words and expressions are used instead.

  How much money have you got? - I've got plenty. (NOT I've got much.)
  He's got lots of men friends, but he doesn't know many women.
  (More natural than He's got many men friends ... )
  Did you buy any clothes? .- Yes, lots. (NOT Yes, many)

 In a formal style, much and many are more common in affirmative clauses.
 Much has been written about unemployment. In the opinion of many economists, ...

 (Practical English Usage 3e. Michael Swan Oxford p332 尚、" "は引用者による)
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お礼日時:2010/01/22 23:54



-When I was high school, I could not go to school trip for Okinawa. Although, I had been looking forward to going to the trip.
=When I was a high school student, I could not go to a school trip to Okinawa, although I had been looking forward to going to the trip.

-I brought many books myself in order to know beautiful spots in Okinawa and to get nice items for my family.
=I bought many books to know beautiful spots in Okinawa and to buy nice items for my family.

-However, I had been sick before I went to there. It was three days ago.
=However, I had got sick before I went there. It was three days before my departure.

-Therefore, I want to enjoy taking a trip in Okinawa.
=Therefore, I want to enjoy taking a trip to Okinawa.

If I could travel anywhere, I would go to Okinawa. When I was a high school student, although I had been looking forward to a school trip to Okinawa, I could not go because I got sick three days before my departure. To research beautiful spots and nice souvenirs for my family, I bought and read many books in advance. However, all these plans ended up in smoke due to the sickness. In this way, I have missed the precious chance to travel in Okinawa. If I could travel in Okinawa, I could make a lot of memories with my friends.
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before my departure
やはりbe sickとget sickでは違いますね…。

お礼日時:2010/01/22 23:47

If I could travel anywhere, I would like to go to Okinawa with my friends. When I was in high school, I couldn't go to a school trip to Okinawa. Since I looked forward to the trip so much, I took many books with me to make plans to see beautiful spots in Okinawa and get something nice for my family. However, I had been sick for three days right before I left for Okinawa. After my flights, I got sick from a cold again, so I couldn't go out to see any beautiful seas and buy some presents for my family in Okinawa. Therefore, I have no memory of the trip to Okinawa even though most of my friends talk a lot about the trip, saying that they want to visit Okinawa again. This makes me want to enjoy taking a trip in Okinawa. If I could travel in Okinawa, I could make a lot of memory with my friends.

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so much
make plans
get something nice
this makes me

お礼日時:2010/01/22 23:36
