
In 1974,writer Peter Benchley wrote the famous novel Jaws on the subject of a killer shark that hunted humans around a small island.The next year, Steven Spielberg created the movie of the same name which gave audiences around the world a feeling of horror towards sharks.While the movie was thrilling, it led to some confusion about the true nature of sharks.The behavior of the shark shown in Jaws is actually quiet inaccurate.The truth is that sharks very rarely bite humans,even when given the opportunity. In his later life, Peter Benchley felt bad about spreading false information and worked to educate adults and children with factual information about sharks.

Jaws was written by Peter Benchley in 1974.
It was made into a movie to feel the fear of sharks to the viewer.
Peter Benchley bad that it has to diffuse the information of the shark lie through the movie,was teaching the correct information for the shark to children and adults.


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The novel of Jaws of a killer shark was written by Peter Benchley in 1974.

The next year, Steven Spielberg created the horror movie of the same name.
But it led to some confusion about the true nature of sharks. ( to bite humans is very rarely ) .
Then, Peter Benchley worked to educate adults and children with factual information about sharks.
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