
I am not rich,nor do I want to be.

はなぜ nor want I to be.じゃないのですか?

A 回答 (2件)



You can go. → Can you go?
He was scolded. → Was he scolded?

He went there. → Did he go there?
You want to go there. → Do you want to go there?

だから、I want の倒置形は
do I want であって、Want I ではない。

ただし、be 動詞は助動詞扱い。
He is rich. → Is he rich?
He is rich. So am I.
He was not present, nor was I.
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「位置」を強調する場合以外は、倒置は「助動詞(be動詞含む) + 主語」の語順になります。

Never in my life have I imagined I would be teaching English.

On the hill stands a huge castle.
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