
'Michibiki' Satellites to Improve Japan's GPS Accuracy

The Japanese version of the Global Positioning System, or GPS, is set to be operational in 2018. The accuracy of the U.S.-developed GPS will be drastically improved when the two systems are used together.
Such navigation satellite systems are networks of satellites that make it possible for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their geographic location. The present GPS is widely used for various services, like car navigation.
But it has a positioning error of about 10 meters. Its accuracy will be boosted to a margin of just a few centimeters when used in combination with Japan's satellites.
Japan's space agency launched the first of its satellites in 2010. It has named them "Michibiki," which means "showing the way" in Japanese. The official name of the new system is the "Quasi-Zenith Satellite System," or QZSS.
Businesses hope it will help develop new technologies, such as autonomous cars, self-driving farming and construction machinery, and drone-based transport services.

1)Its accuracy will be boosted to a margin of just a few centimeters when used in combinati
on with Japan's satellites.

2)Japan's space agency launched the first of its satellites in 2010.




A 回答 (2件)

「要領」の件です、偶々でしょうが、it's の前後に it があるようですね。

同じ内容を指示しているのでそれを追跡してみるとよいかも知れません。また car navigation はGPSの一用途として例示されているだけですので、引きずられないように。文章全体を俯瞰する視点も大切です。
    • good
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お礼日時:2017/12/03 10:29

1 the present GPS

2 Japan’s space agent
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2017/11/29 15:13
