

❶It's already so late that we cannot do it.
(to 不定詞を使って)
❷I expect you to follow my idea.
❸Mary was the first woman ever elected mayor of this city.
❹It seems that Tom has a lot of money.
⑤He is difficult to talk with.
(It is に続けて同じ意味の英文を)
①while he was watching TV, he fell asleep.
②I left Tokyo at 7: 00, and arrived at Kyoto at 9:30.
③As he was young, he did not have a great deal of experience in life.
④I saw a girl on the train. She was charming.
⑤As he was a friend of the principal, he has had considerable infuence on the school.(分詞構文を用いて)
①I regret that I dont know anything about computers.(I wishで始めて)
②The guitar was so expensive that I did n't buy it.(Ifで始まる仮定法で)
③If you should have any problems,please feel free to contact me.(Ifを省略した文に)
④Without scholarship,I would n't have been able to complete my studies.(If it始まる仮定法の文に)
⑤She talks as if she were my sister.(talksをtalkedに変えて)

A 回答 (4件)


If the guitar had not been expensive, I would have bought it.
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⑶②訂正 If the guitar had not been expensive, I would have buy it.
    • good
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❶ It is too late for us to do it.

❷ I expect that you will follow my idea.
❸ Mary was the first woman to be elected mayor of this city.
❹ Tom seems to have a lot of money.
⑤ It is difficult to talk with him.

① Watching TV, he fell asleep.
② Leaving Tokyo at 7:00, I arrived at Kyoto at 9:30.
③ He was too young to have a great deal of experience in life.
④ I saw a charming girl on the train.
⑤ Having been a friend of the principal, he has had considerable influence on the school.

① I wish if I knew something about computers.
② If the guitar was not so expensive, I would have bought it.
③ Should you have any problems, please feel free to contact me.
④ If it had not been for scholarship, I wouldn't have been able to complete my studies.
⑤ She talked as if she had been my sister.
    • good
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⑴ ❶ It's already too late for us to do it.

➋ I expect that you should follow
my idea.
❸ Mary was the first woman to be elected mayor of this city.
➍ Tom seems to have a lot of money.
⑤ It is difficult to talk with him,

①Watching TV, he fell asleep.
② I left Tokyo at 7:00, arriving Kyoto at 9:30.
③ Being young, he did not have a great deal of experience in life.
④ I saw a charming girl on the train.
⑤ Having been a friend of the principal, he has had considerable
infulence on school.
⑶ ① I wish I knew something about computers.
② If the guitar had not been so expensive, I would buy it.
③ Should you have any problems,
please feel free to contact me.
④ If it had not been for scholarship, I would n't have been
able to complete my studies.
⑤ She talked as if she had been my sister.
    • good
    • 0
