



A 回答 (1件)



FD is followed by one of these characters, describing the
mode under which the file is open:

  r for read access;
  w for write access;
  u for read and write access;
  space if mode unknown and no lock character follows;
  `-' if mode unknown and lock character follows.

The mode character is followed by one of these lock characters, describing the type of lock applied to the file:

  N for a Solaris NFS lock of unknown type;
  r for read lock on part of the file;
  R for a read lock on the entire file;
  w for a write lock on part of the file;
  W for a write lock on the entire file;
  u for a read and write lock of any length;
  U for a lock of unknown type;
  x for an SCO OpenServer Xenix lock on part of the file;
  X for an SCO OpenServer Xenix lock on the entire file;
  space if there is no lock.

以下、Fedora CORE 3での実行例です。
# lsof | egrep " [0-9]*[rwu\-][NrRwWuUxX] "
nifd 3563 root 4uW REG 253,0 5 1080653 /var/run/nifd.pid
mDNSRespo 3593 nobody 10uW REG 253,0 5 1080655 /var/run/mDNSResponder.pid
sendmail 3793 root 5wW REG 253,0 33 1080751 /var/run/sendmail.pid
sendmail 3801 smmsp 4wW REG 253,0 50 1084009 /var/run/sm-client.pid
anacron 3905 root 4uW REG 253,0 9 1084745 /var/spool/anacron/cron.daily
anacron 3905 root 5uW REG 253,0 0 1084747 /var/spool/anacron/cron.monthly
atd 3914 root 3uW REG 253,0 5 1084699 /var/run/atd.pid
gconfd-2 4562 lean 12wW REG 253,0 649 214373 /tmp/gconfd-lean/lock/0t1112092337ut33437u500p4562r2059905881k3220550124 (deleted)
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2005/04/01 17:03
