


my mother always says to me ”who are you going to go out with?”” what are you going to do for?” ”when are you come back to home?””are you going to go home with someone?" ,when I go out . I'm during going out, she calls me or e-mail me "where are you?". I dont really like those things. i'm glad her thet she care of me.but i am (?),so i would like to be free.


A 回答 (4件)

When I go out,my mother always asks me " Where are you going to ? " Who are you going out with ? " "What time are you coming back (またはcoming home ) ? " Will there be someone to take you home safley ? " She checks on me like this.

When it gets worse , she calls me while I'm out with my friend and askes me " Where are you now ?" She bothers me and I hate it when she does that.
I know It's just because she cares about me and I
appreciate that, but I'm not a baby any more ,
I want the freedom to do what I like.
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お礼日時:2005/07/22 22:50

No1 さんのはとてもよくできていると思います。

訳はいろいろありますので 、 でどれも間違いではなくその人にぴったりとくるものがいいのでしょう。


I appreicate my mother being concerned about me. But I'm big enough and I want little more freedom.

(want little more freedom でもう少し自由にさせてほしいという感じにしました。)

なおNo2さんの I don't want her to stop interfering にしますと 干渉をやめないでほしい担ってしまいますので おそらく I want her to stop interfering と書こうとされていたのだと思います。
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お礼日時:2005/07/22 22:49


she sends E-mail は、
she sends me E-mail です。
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My mother always asks me when I go out,” Where are you going?” ”Who are you going with?” “What time are you coming back?” “Are you going to come back with someone?” In extreme case, she sends E-mail while I hang out with friends,

“Where are you now?”
I hate her like that. I know she is concerned about me, but I don’t want her to treat me as if I was a child. I don’t want her to stop interfering (in my private affairs).


go out だけでしたら、外出するになりますが、
go out with 人 にすると、人と交際している。という意味になるのでご注意を。
hang out (with 人)または、(around 場所)で、
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お礼日時:2005/07/22 22:49
