

→Show me what you have bought.

→What I am trying to do is to give people what they want.

→They came back from a overseas trip just three days before their new school term began.

→There was no other means to solve the ploblem for me.

→「You will feel refreshed」まで出来たのですがこの先がいまいち分かりません;;

→The number of people watching the World Cup soccer games on TV reaches several hundred million.(2つの「the」の位置が合っているか不安です)


A 回答 (3件)


(3)は「海外旅行」を a trip overseas としなければなりません。an overseas trip ならいいのでしょうが,a ですので,副詞 overseas を trip の後に置く,という感じでしょうか。
(4)は,for me を to solve の意味上の主語として,no other means for me to solve とすべきでしょう。
(5)は,make を用いて無生物主語構文とし,make you feel となるでしょう。
 Half an hour's nap after lunch will make you feel refreshed during the hot summer season.
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3. overseasは形容詞の方が多く使われるので、海外旅行は

”an overases trip”で正解です。
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(4) There was no other means for me to solve the problem.

(5) During the hot summer season, half an hour's nap after lunch will make you feel refreshed.

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