
下にあります文章の1段落目の最後の文That can result in dangers of its own. なのですが、この文のThatが指すものは、前文全体と考えるべきでしょうか。それともwhat is embarrassingの部分だと考えるべきでしょうか。

Knowledge is power. Those who possess it have always sought to deny it to their enemies, particularly if it has military applications. But exactly what knowledge needs to be controlled depends on who those enemies are. Nor is the control of knowledge costless. A free society should regard it as a last resort. Scientists cannot build on each other's results if they do not know them. And governments are frequently tempted to hide not only what is dangerous, but also what is embarrassing. That can result in dangers of its own.

Nevertheless, the past six months have shown that the West in general, and America in particular, has new enemies. New controls are therefore being discussed as politicians and scientists try to work out a reasonable boundary between openness and secrecy.

A 回答 (2件)


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That can result ... のThatは、前文全体を指すのではないでしょうか。


もちろん、筆者の重点は what is dangerous よりも what is embarrassing のほうに置かれていますが、「what is embarrasing が結果的に危険を呼びかねない」のではなく、それを隠すという行為が危険を呼びかねない、ということを言っていると考えるほうが筋が通ります。
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