
お願いします。以下私のエッセイの文法の誤り、文章の構成などアドバイスを是非よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

大学側:What sets you apart from other applicants, based on unique educational or life experiences, personal or family circumstances, obstacles overcome and/or achievements? (200 words or less)

私のエッセイ:I have a special sales experience than other applicants. I had sold water cleaners as a door to door sales man about 10 years ago. I would have often visit more than 100 houses everyday in order to sell$3,000 water cleaners. I learned how to develop good communication with customers from my own experience. Decade ago, Japanese were not interested in the device since they usually drank tap water. In those days, people had thought that purchasing water was ridiculous. Therefore, I was always turned down. People would have yelled at me and some even scattered salt at me to drive away evil spirits. Since I want to be a success, I had kept knocking on hundred of doors. I realized that it is more important to become a customer’s friend than just a salesman. If friend who would suggest using the device for their friend health. Therefore, I tried becoming their best friend. The Result of patience, effort and ingenuity, I was awarded a first prize among over 1,000 company members at a sales convention. Through this experience, I learned that if people exert maximum effort, God will present miracles. I believe that I put my experience to study. (200 words)

A 回答 (1件)


>I have a special sales experience than other applicants.
比較の文章ではないので、thanは使えません。「ほかの人と比べて」というならcompared to とか、comparing to (文章のどこに使うかによって)です。specialよりもuniqueを使った方が人との違いを際立たせる効果があります。

>I had sold water cleaners as a door to door sales man about 10 years ago.
大過去はこのようなエッセイではまず使いません。10年ぐらい前のことなら単なる sold かwas selling(文の内容によって)でよろしいです。
I worked as a door to door salesman to sell a water cleaner for $300 in about 10 years. みたいな感じで。後にこの値段を払うことに抵抗を感じる人の話が出てきますので、まず最初に必要な情報は出してしまう方が読み手にわかりやすいです。

>I would have often visit more than 100 houses everyday in order to sell$3,000 water cleaners.

>I learned how to develop good communication with customers from my own experience.
これはあなたのThesisです。Thesisは文の最初に書くべきでここに入れるのは不適当と考えます。最初の文章と組み合わせて一番最初になさることをお勧めします。それと、自分の顧客とのコミュニケーションならば with MY customersですね。また、developを使うならば、communication skillの方が自然です。単によいコミュニケーションをとると言いたいならば、make a good communicationです。私ならばスキルを学んだという方にしますが。

>Decade ago, Japanese were not interested in the device since they usually drank tap water.In those days, people had thought that purchasing water was ridiculous.
この二つの文をひとつに組み替える方がすっきりします。水道水を飲んでいたので器具に興味がなかったという文章は何が言いたいのかわかりません。正確には、水はタダという意識があったので、水をきれいにする道具などに関心がなかったということですよね? だからこそ買うなんてばからしいと思ってたのですよね? ならば
Japanese had no interest in buying any device to make water clean since tap water was free and drikable and they believed that it was ridiculous to spend money on water in those days. という感じです。すでに最初に10年前働いていたという説明がありますので、Decade agoはいりません。むしろその後の in those daysをここで使う方がいいかなと思います。

>Since I want to be a success

>If friend who would suggest using the device for their friend health.

>The Result of patience, effort and ingenuity,

他にもいくつかありますが、もう一度、「誰が(Who)」「いつ(When)」「どこで(Where)」「何を(What)」「どうした(How)」 というのが自分の文章にきちんと含まれているかどうか確認なさるとよろしいかと思います。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2009/07/28 22:33
