
On September 26, 1960, Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy went on television and radio to discuss the issues of the presidential campaign.
Nixon, who had recently gotten out of the hospital, looked sick, and he sweated under the hot lights of the television studio. Kennedy was young, tanned,
and handsome. Afterwards, reseachers asked who had won the debate. Radio listeners said Nixon. Television viewers said Kennedty. Bruce DuMont,presidet
of the Museum of Broadcast Communicaions, says,‘On that date, politics and television changed forever. After that debate, it wasn't just what you said in a campaign that was important, but how you looked
when you said it.' Since 1960,the television debtes have happened every year. In 1992, George Bush,Sr., debareed against Bill Clinton. Bush hated the debates.
Several times, while Clinton was talking, Bush looked at his watch. He didn't think anyone would see him, but the cameras caught him.
It looked bad. And it looked worse when Al Gore, Clinton's Vice President, kept using the phrase ‘It's time for them [the Republican government] to go.'
In reallywas time to go. He lost the election. Politicians Know the fastest way to reach the public is through television, so they spend millions on TV commercials.
In some cases, the commercials criticize the opponent. When actor Ronald Reagan was trying to become governor of California, his opponent made a commercial staring Gene Kelly, another actor.
In the commercial, Kelly said, ‘In movies, I played a gambler, a baseball player, and I could play a governor, but you wouldn't really want an actor to be a governor, would you?'
The media uses politicians to get stories, and the politicians use the media to get publicity.
And the political parties control everything. Evry time we see a politicians use the media to get publicity.
And the political parties control everything. Every time we see a politician kissing a baby or visiting a factory, the party has organized it and invited the media.
But how important is the media war? In 2004, John Kerry won the debates with George W. Bush. Kerry was relaxed, confident, and clear, while Bush looked nervous.
But we all know won election.

A 回答 (2件)







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On September 26, 1960, Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy went on television and radio to discuss the issues of the presidential campaign.
Nixon, who had recently gotten out of the hospital, looked sick, and he sweated under the hot lights of the television studio. Kennedy was young, tanned, and handsome.


Afterwards, reseachers asked who had won the debate. Radio listeners said Nixon. Television viewers said Kennedty.

その後、調査員たちは、どちらが討論に勝ったかを調査した。 ラジオの聴取者はニクソンだと言い、 テレビの視聴者はケネディだと言った。

Bruce DuMont, pesidet of the Museum of Broadcast Communicaions, says,‘On that date, politics and television changed forever. After that debate, it wasn't just what you said in a campaign that was important, but how you looked

放送通信博物館館長のブルース・デュモンは、その日以降、政治もテレビも永久に様変わりしてしまったと語った。 そうした公開討論の後では、彼らがキャンペーンの中で語った、その内容そのものが大切なのではなくて、むしろ大衆の目にどのように映ったかが大切なのだと。

when you said it.' Since 1960,the television debates have happened every year. In 1992, George Bush,Sr., debareed against Bill Clinton. Bush hated the debates.
Several times, while Clinton was talking, Bush looked at his watch. He didn't think anyone would see him, but the cameras caught him.


It looked bad. And it looked worse when Al Gore, Clinton's Vice President, kept using the phrase ‘It's time for them [the Republican government] to go.'


In really was Time to go. He lost the election. Politicians Know the fastest way to reach the public is through television, so they spend millions on TV commercials.


In some cases, the commercials criticize the opponent. When actor Ronald Reagan was trying to become governor of California, his opponent made a commercial staring Gene Kelly, another actor.
In the commercial, Kelly said, ‘In movies, I played a gambler, a baseball player, and I could play a governor, but you wouldn't really want an actor to be a governor, would you?'


The media uses politicians to get stories, and the politicians use the media to get publicity.
And the political parties control everything. Every time we see a politicians use the media to get publicity.
And the political parties control everything. Every time we see a politician kissing a baby or visiting a factory, the party has organized it and invited the media.


But how important is the media war? In 2004, John Kerry won the debates with George W. Bush. Kerry was relaxed, confident, and clear, while Bush looked nervous.
But we all know won election.

しかし、こうしたメディア合戦が、はたしてどれほど大切なことなのであろう、2004年に、ジョン・ケリー上院議員はジョージ・W・ブッシュとの公開討論の場であきらかな勝利を得た。 ケリーは終始落ち着いていて、自信に満ち明晰そうでもあったが、一方、ブッシュはいかにも神経質であるように見えた。 しかし、勝利の行方は私達の誰もが知っている通りである。



補足日時:2009/10/13 21:50
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