

To love somebody whose sex is the same is not special. Gay men and lesbians happen to love somebody whose sex is the same as them. It is universal and common for everybody to feel like being with and spending more time with the partner who one loves. If the couple is getting along well with each other, it is no wonder that they want to share their sense of value and the spend time together rest of their life. This is the relish and zest of marriage, and these feeling are not only for heterosexual people, but for homosexual people. となりましたが、いかがなものでしょうか?

A 回答 (1件)



Having loved one whose sex is the same is not special. Gay men and lesbians are just happened to hold loving feeling toward same sex people. It is universal and common idea that is to feel like to be with and willing to spend more time with the partner. If the couple is getting along well with each other, it is no wonder that they want to share their sense of value, and to spend time together rest of their lives. This is the relish and zest of marriage, and these feeling are not only for heterosexual people, but also for homosexual people.
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お礼日時:2003/05/21 11:24
