


The big decision that I gave so far is that I have transfered from the junior college to the university.
I thought that I pursued possibility of "the food" by what could deepen knowledge of important food for person from a poin of view nourishment and physiology in future and wanted to contribute to many people through food through I learned knowledge about the importance of the food such as nourishment and cooking characteristics of "the food" in the class of the junior college. In that case, I thought two choise, securing employment to the food industry and transfer admission to the other university. And I wished to be transfer admission to the university in different field. The reason is because there was the laboratory which can pursue possibility of "the food" at the university. However, that transfer admission to the university in different field was big decision and there were various uneasiness, the thing I was based on lack of knowledge that I had learnt at the junior colledge and the thing I had a hard time taking a unit after transfer admission, and I made tried hard and followed out without changing aim and passed the university.

A 回答 (2件)

One of the most important decisions in my life is that I have transfered to a university from a junior college.



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One of the biggest decisions that I have made so far is that I transferred from the junior college to the university.
As I acquired knowledge about the importance of the food such as nourishment and cooking characteristics of "the food" in classes of my junior college, I wanted to deepen the knowledge about “the food”, which is important for people, from the viewpoint of nourishment and physiology, to pursue the potential of "the food", and to contribute many people through “the food”. With my desire, I thought I would have two choices: getting a job in the food industry or transferring to a university. I decided to transfer to a university in a different field because there was a laboratory in the department that could make me pursue the potential of “the food”. However, to transfer to a university in a different field was a big decision for me, and there were various anxieties; my knowledge I acquired at my junior college might not be enough and I would have a hard time taking extra credits after I transfer. I tried hard to accomplish without changing aim, and I got accepted to the university I am in right now.

・acquire the knowledge または learn のどちらかを使うといいでしょう。
・「可能性」という言葉は、possibility よりpotentialの方がしっくりくるかなと思います。
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