
英文推薦書 感想聞かせてください。 アドバイスもよろしくお願いします。

With tolerant character, I have warm consideration for circumference brightly and value a friend.
I can have the flexibility that can revise oneself and humility to listen to a different opinion and one's thought and can be superior to sense of cooperation.
The effort that is going to raise oneself is watched and wrestles with everything forward. As for the action for studies, I am very sincere.
The class manner was very earnest and I concentrated on it I understood in that time, and to digest it and learned it. I had the stern eyes which stared at oneself, and the easy compromise investigated a questionable point without doing it till oneself could understand. I gain excellent results through three years as a result that all subjects worked hard to do a slipshod job steadily.
I stopped at first, and the thought that the person himself studied abroad strongly thought about senior high school entrance to school seriously.
There is 聞, and not only the admiration but also the strictness of the studying abroad really knows a direct story from people with the studying abroad experience enough many times. I wish to join it by agreement, and the intention is strong. Through interchange with the foreign students of not only the simple English acquisition but also various countries, I burn will to the studying abroad when I want to deepen culture and the understanding about manners and customs.
I resemble a person / the will and, without a share, am convinced that it is a person for the recommendation.

A 回答 (2件)

I have enough perseverance tp keep mental attitude toward everything and pay due respect to all friends around me.

Also, I am provide with sufficient flexibility to correct my weak points if necessary and openness to turn my ears to any different opinion. I am always keeping free hand for cooperation.

前文読ませていただき、取り敢えず質問者様の忍耐力と融通性に富む良い性格について手直しを入れてみました。 この原文はご自分で作られましたか? どこか不自然な文章に映りました。 日本語の原文に英単語だけが置き換えられたように感じます。 

どういう用途があって、この性格分析が起ったのか。 もし海外のどこかの機関に応募されるための推薦文でしたら、意味不明で高い評価は無理だと思います。  もし翻訳機にかけられた文章でしたら、もう一度誰かに依頼されて書き直される事をお薦めします。
    • good
    • 0


 I, oneself
    • good
    • 0
