
以下のリンクにあるイギリスレポート番組の英語を書き取ってみたのですが、どなたかチェックしていただけないでしょうか。(   )の部分は自信のない個所、(不明)とあるのは聞き取れない個所です。よろしくお願いいたします。

http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/video/2010/jun …

Quacks and cures is a whole-building spectacle which takes place over the four floors of the welcome collection. And (during before our period), the audience can encounter also the different approaches, to orthodox and alternative medicine. ~中略~. And it was the physicians and apothecaries, the orthodox (bronchus medicine), who applied this term to them. (Because this century), they bullshitted their way around town.  ~略
(Around the building if for example) you start on the top floor you might meet quite some scary nurses who will attempt to ply you with detour before then you are taken in to see the doctors. ~略
OK, this is the end where it sucks. That’s fine, let him suck, just keep moving its head for lunch.
Oh, I don’t see anything. It’s getting fat?
No, it’s all right. Don’t worry.
Woo, look at that!
Yeah, that’s it, see? Just keep moving its head for lunch. ‘Cause we don’t want it to, to, they’re not gonna bite you, not gonna in a couple of seconds, like, you know, take a long time., but we don’t it want to bite you.
~中略 ~
That’s weird, really.
It’s trying to escape
( 不明 ) It wants its head,no, not trying to suck on this. This end is fine.
“For those of you who do not know who I am, my name is, Gripenerve. Dr. Soctates Horatio ( 不明 ) Gripenerve. Splendid name except (when you have to initial chec)k. ( Practices this art) in the 15th Audron street under the name of doctor Rameto. Ha! Doctor Ramote would be nearer the mark. Therefore you take his drop or pill, bid your farewell to your friends and( make it well)! ”

A 回答 (1件)


Orthodox branch of medicine「医学の正式の分野」

2. because essentially「本質的には(まやかし)だから」

3. yeah, it's the point「そう、そこがポイント。」「そうなのよ」

4. Aloisius いろいろ綴りがありますがこれも一つ、実名でもあるが、もったいを付ける時に使う名前。

5. when you have to initial a checque「小切手に頭文字を書くとき以外は」

6 Practices his art「、、、で医術を売り物にしている」「開業している」

7. Doctor La Morte「ラモート(死)博士」

8. make a will「遺書を書け」

    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2010/07/23 06:00
