
I am a second grade student of a junior high school. If you find any mistakes, please let me know.

Today was English final exam.
The last time exam is the average points 50, I was points 30.
My close friend when midterm exam is It was good point.
So goes good class.
I was left behind. I know I can't keep going this way I study English hard.
I expectation is 60 point, first of all I want to take a point that is higher than the average score. The next test, I want to higher scores.


A 回答 (1件)



>The last time exam is the average points 50, I was points 30.

Last time we had a midterm exam, and the average score was 50 and mine was 35.

>My close friend when midterm exam is It was good point. So goes good class.

At that time, my close friend got a good score and was one of the good students.

>I know I can't keep going this way I study English hard.

I knew I had to do something, and I studied hard.

>I expectation is 60 point, first of all I want to take a point that is higher than the average score. The next test, I want to higher scores.

My expectation of the final exam score is 60, and I hope my score is higher than the average. The next exam, I want much higher score.
    • good
    • 0
