【大喜利】【投稿~9/18】 おとぎ話『桃太郎』の知られざるエピソード


1950年代の前半には、東京で育った男が、パリで暮らすようになっても、少なくとも日常生活において、 大きな相違を感じることはなかった。


In early 1950s, a man who grew up in Tokyo did not feel a great difference between Tokyo and Paris at least in daily lives, when he started to live in Palis.

In my case, it did not seem the first time that I saw France's subway, and I only thought that it is slightly more convenience than that of Tokyo I had been used to using.


A 回答 (2件)


(1)In early 50's, a man grown up in Tokyo should have found no big difference at least in his daily life even when he settled down in Paris.

(2)As was the case with myself, France was not the place where I saw subway for the first time. Subway in Paris seemed to be nothing but my usual transportation system in Tokyo although it was slightly more convenience in Paris.


(1)In early 1950s, a man who grew up in Tokyo did not feel a great difference between Tokyo and Paris at least in daily lives, when he started to live in Palis.

- Palisのつづりが誤り。Parisね。こういうのは致命的ですから気をつけて。
- daily livesではなく単数のhis daily lifeかthe daily lifeの方がいいですね。
- started to liveでもいいけど前にdaily life(liveの派生語)というのを使ってしまったので、別の語を選択した方が知的な英語に見えます。よってsettled downとする。
- 1950sではなく1950'sですよ。

In my case, it did not seem the first time that I saw France's subway, and I only thought that it is slightly more convenience than that of Tokyo I had been used to using.

- it did not seem the first time that I saw France's subwayをムリヤリ訳すと「私がフランスの地下鉄を見たのは初めてとは思えなかった」→否定がどこにかかっているのか不明確。原文は地下鉄を見たのはフランスが初めてではないと言いたいんですよね?厳しいようですけど、あなたの英語だと「フランスではこれまでに何度か地下鉄を見たことがある」と言ってるだけのように解釈できます。そうじゃなくてI had seen subway before I went to Franceってことですよね。
- it is slightly more ...→時制がおかしい。過去形にすべき。
- that of Tokyo I had been used to using→I had been used to usingがどこに係るのか不明確。Tokyoに係る(Tokyoが先行詞であるかの)ように読めますよ。
- 東京で乗り慣れた交通機関がパリでは~にできている、というニュアンスが出ていません。大学受験の英作文ではかなり難しい部類の問題だとは思いますけどね。
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お礼日時:2015/02/08 20:51

In his eary 50s, a man who grew up in Tokyo didn't feel a great difference between Tokyo and Paris in a daily life when he started living in Paris.

In his early 50s, a man who had grown up in Tokyo and spent some time in Paris didn't feel a great difference in everyday life between them.

As for me, it was not France's subway that I saw the first time, so I only thought that riding the subway in Paris was slightly more convenient than that in Tokyo where I was familiar with its transport system.

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お礼日時:2015/02/08 20:48
