
At this point, the interview was over so far as the position was concerned. But I was curious about which part of the question was giving him trouble.
This was not the first time such a problem had occurred during interviews. Japanese who seemed to have a fairly good grasp of spoken English suddenly became unable to answer the simplest questions. Other foreign interviewers had reported the same trouble, and we had wondered about this curious phenomenon without ever finding a satisfactoryexplanation for it.
I decided to try to find out what this man's problem was, so I asked him more questions, from a different angle:
Q: Do you have any discipline problems at your school?
A: No, not really.
Q: Do you mean that you never punish your students at all?
A: Oh, sometimes we punish them.
Q: What do you punish them for?
A: Oh, things like being late or not doing their homework.
Q: (At last! We have finally reached the point!) Thenthose are the major discipline problems at your school,right?
A: Oh, I thought that "major discipline problems" meant student violence.
Q: No,"the major discipline problem at your school" means the biggestproblem that you have there.

A 回答 (1件)



Q: あなたの学校にはなにか素行問題などありますか?
A: いいえ、まったくありません。
Q: それはあなたの学生たちを一度たりともまったく罰したことがないという意味ですか?
A: ああ、たまには彼らを罰したりします。
Q: 何のために罰するのですか?
A: まあ、遅刻とか宿題をやっていないといったことですね。
Q: (やっとだ!ついに知りたい点にたどりついた!)では、そうしたことがあなたの学校での重要な素行問題な訳ですね?
    • good
    • 0
