
Feelings: Sometimes our feelings are very strong. We can express these in two ways.
1.We can use very or really. Examples : She is really angry . I am very tired.

2.We can use a different word, Iike these .

happy →thrilled

I'm thrilled to be at this university!

angry →furious

My sister broke my MP3 player. I'm furious at her!


My dad made the dinner. I'm amazed!

tired →exhausted

I didn't sleep last night, so I'm exhausted now.


A 回答 (1件)

Sometimes our feelings are very strong. We can express these in two ways.

feelings(感情が) are very strong(強い)。強い感情を抱くという事。

We (みんな)can express (表現することができる)these(そのような感情を) in two ways(2通りの方法で)。

1(方法その1).We can use very or really.  veryや reallyが使えるよ。
2(方法その2).We can use a different word. ほかの(もっと強い感情をあらわす)単語を使えるよ。
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