


You should actively talk to a person whom you first meet.

This is because if he and you are quiet and don't talk with each other, he and you feel uncomfortable and he never want to be in harmony with you.

On the contrary, if you happily talk with him about many things, it is so easy for you to make friends with him.

For these reason, it is important to talk actively.




A 回答 (5件)


You should actively talk to the people whom you first meet.


You should actively talk to the people whom you first met.


You should actively talk to the people whom you first met.
Because if they and you are quiet and wouldn't talk with each other, they and you might feel uncomfortable and they wouldn't feel friendly toward you.
Instead, if you keep talking with them, it would be very easy for you to be their friend.
For these reasons, it is important for you to talk with strangers actively.

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お礼日時:2010/12/22 13:11



×>Instead, if you keep talking with him, it would be very easy for you to be his friend.
○>Instead, if you keep talking with them, it would be very easy for you to be thier friend.
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お礼日時:2010/12/22 13:07


×>Instead, if you keep talking with him, it would be very easy for you to be his friend.
○>Instead, if you keep talking with him, it would be very easy for you to be thier friend.

 あと、論理展開ですか。質問者様が、実際にそうなさっておられるなら、問題ないのではないでしょうか。英語圏の友達作りもまずは"small talk"です。
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お礼日時:2010/12/22 13:07


he or she/him or herではくどいです。they/themを使います。a personなどの単数を受けてもfor him or herとは言わず、for themにするくらいです。

>You should actively talk to a person whom you first meet.

 personはwhomという文脈で支持されているので、the person、さらにはthe peopleでいいでしょう。

You should actively talk to the people whom you first meet.

>This is because if he and you are quiet and don't talk with each other, he and you feel uncomfortable and he never want to be in harmony with you.

 This isはあえて必要とほどでもないです。
 he and you are quiet and don't talk with each otherはくどいかもしれませんが、残してもいいでしょう。
 they and you wouldn't talk to each otherくらいでしょう。
 he and you feel uncomfortableと決め付けずに、they and you might feel uncomfortableくらいに緩めたほうが良いかと。
 be in harmony withですが、beがliveとかならいいですけど、beはちょっと不自然かもしれません。
 neverもきつい表現です。they wouldn't feel friendly toward youくらいでどうでしょうか。

Because if they and you are quiet and wouldn't talk with each other, they and you feel uncomfortable and they wouldn't feel friendly toward you.

>On the contrary, if you happily talk with him about many things, it is so easy for you to make friends with him.

 On the contraryは、前に述べたことを引っくり返すときに向いています(「~のように見える。しかし逆で」といった感じ)。または、「見方を変えれば」。Insteadでいいでしょう。
 soよりveryでしょうか。かつisよりwould beでしょうか。
 about many thingsだと、話題がころころ変わるような印象があります。ここは、keep talking with himと平易に流すのも手です。
 to make friends with himは少なくとも今は一人なのだからa friend、make a friend with himよりbe his friendが自然かと。

Instead, if you keep talking with him, it would be very easy for you to be his friend.

>For these reason, it is important to talk actively.


For these reason, it is important for you to for talk with strangers actively.

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お礼日時:2010/12/22 13:07


* a → the:この場合、personが誰なのか特定されています。
* ”meet for the first time” 「初対面」です。
“Talk to the person whom you meet for the first time.”
“Talk to the person whom you first meet.”
* 今は whom の代わりに that が使われる傾向にあるので、実践で使うのなら that が自然です。ネーティブの多くが who と whom の違いを知らないので、後者を使うと気取ったように聞こえます。しかし日本の試験では教科書通り whom を使った方が賢明でしょう。
You should actively talk to the person whom you meet for the first time.
You should make a conscious effort to engage in a conversation when you meet someone for the first time.

* この文は前の文の説明である事は容易に分かるし、文字数の制限もあるので、”This is because” は不要です。
* 相手が男か女か分からないので “he” は極力避けましょう。中性の単語を使うか、”he or she” とします。英語圏では正式文書でも ”s/he” と短縮したりしますが、作文なら “he or she” とした方が無難でしょう。s/he は she とも he とも読めるようにした略記であり、読み方は “he or she” です。
* don’t とか isn’t など縮小しない方が良いです。勿論 wanna とか gonna などは問題外です。
* “be in harmony”「調和/平和」も変です。「仲良くなる」ならもっと単純に “be friends” です。
If both people are quiet and do not talk with each other, it would be uncomfortable, and he or she would not want to be your friend.
By engaging in a conversation, you will have better understanding and appreciation of that person.

happily は「楽しそう」より「幸せそう」が強いので、この場合は無理があります。playfully という単語もありますが、私ならこの場合は完全に書き変えて “engage in an active conversation” にします。
On the contrary, if you engage in an active conversation, it would be easier for the two people to be friends.
On the contrary, saying nothing could be construed as a sign of no interest on either side.

* ”For these reasons” を使うには「話すと◯、話さないと×」では弱いです。もっと色々な理由が欲しいですね。この場合はもっと軽く “therefore” にして置けば十分でしょう。
* 何が “important” なのかもう少し言葉を足してハッキリさせたいですね。
Therefore, it is important to talk with each other more actively.
Therefore, it is important to talk with one another actively because doing so would open up a whole new possibility in the relationship.
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ちなみにin harmony with Aで「Aと仲良くする」という意味を持つ慣用句です^^



お礼日時:2010/12/22 13:05
