
how we got here

perry's display of american technology and weaponry was succesful in opening japan, and during the first three decades of the meiji period the U.S. served as a model for japanese modernization, but it was never an equal relationship.

americans were the teachers and were more than happy in their role, teaching the japanese everything from english to baseball to military strategy.
they believed that God had given them the best country and the best civiliza-tion in the word, and that their duty was to spread their culture to others.

A 回答 (1件)


そして、明治初期の30年間というもの、米国は日本の近代化のモデルであったが、(両国の関係は) 対等なものではなかった。


* 今時の中学生だったら、ある程度は理解できる程度ではないでしょうか。一応は自分で訳したものも合わせて投稿すべきだと思います。そうすれば、間違ったところは指摘してもらえますから。
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