
I've been into RIDDLES recently. Anyway, I have a riddle.

"How many times can you subtract 2 from 50?"

Don't say "25" lol

I made the riddle up so don't bother to check the internet. stupid riddle though lol

Have an aswer, please.


A 回答 (2件)

OK, my second attempt.

Answer: As many times as you like.

Reason A: It doesn't matter how many times you subtract 2 from 50, it will always be 48.

Reason B: If you subtract 2 from 50, 26 times, mathematically it will come to -2, which is a valid number. If 27 times, -4 and so forth. So the possibility is infinite.


Thanks a lot for answering mine!
These are completely correct!
I just wanted to say "You can go into negitaves so theres no answer for it."
That's why I said "stupid riddle"

補足日時:2013/04/13 01:55
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Answer: Once.

Because once you subtract 2 from 50, you will no longer be making the subtraction from 50, but 48, etc.


Most people say so but nope hehe

補足日時:2013/04/13 01:16
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