
1 please tells me anything I can do.
2 I like reading any kind of books
3 I will accept any abandoned cats

1 Every student can solve that easy question
2 I like going to Japanese school every Sunday, except for special holidays
3 I will do my best every moment as long as I live

1 I read all books in the library
2 all of my classmates help me to overcome homesick for japan
3 I stayed in the library all night yesterday so that I can pass the exam tomorrow

A 回答 (2件)

1 Please tell me anything I can do.

2 I like reading any kind of book.

3 I will accept any abandoned cat.

1 Every student can solve that easy question.

2 I like going to Japanese school every Sunday, except for National holidays.

3 I will do my best every moment I live.

1 I read all books in the library.

2 All of my classmates help me to overcome homesickness for Japan.

3 I stayed in the library all night yesterday so that I will be able to pass the exam tomorrow.
    • good
    • 1

2 all of my classmates help me overcome homesickness for Japan.  でもOKと思います

揚げ足取りではありませんが、文章の最後のperiod, 大文字小文字等に注意した方が(特にテスト等では)よさそうです。
    • good
    • 0
