


A 回答 (2件)

Why don't you have try to making sentence for yourself ? In this place ask to everyone it's very easy don't you think so? because I think it is not your studying English. I think if you want to study English you need write make sentence then show it in this place.

Below listed is one kind of my answer of your question.

Can I make a video with your photos and your videos if possible ?

※せめて、自分で作成ししたものをあげないと、ここで単に翻訳依頼するだけでは、あなたの勉強になりませんよね? これは、あなただけではなく、ここで翻訳の質問をされている方すべてに言えることです。
    • good
    • 1

I forgot singular articles 'a' in my answer.

    • good
    • 0
