
My partner's children, who are in middle school, will spend most of their spring break with us. (They mostly live with their mom.) It's also my spring break -- I'm a teacher -- and will be the first time my partner and I have had synced vacations since moving in together.

My partner has planned an extremely kid-centric vacation, to a place where most of the activities will revolve around the boys' interests, which makes total sense, but he doesn't want to plan anything he thinks is age-inappropriate. For example, he was uncomfortable with my suggestion that we spend part of one day wine-tasting, which we both love and mostly do when the kids aren't around.

When I was a kid, our parents planned adult-centric vacations and we entertained ourselves or learned to enjoy whatever our parents were doing. I get that that's an unpopular parenting philosophy these days. I get that my expectations of enjoying a vacation with him will have to adjust to include the kids, but spending almost five straight days doing only kid stuff is beginning to feel like a thankless chore.

I am wondering whether there's a way to back out without seeming like a party pooper, or if I should push back on my partner's insistence that we eliminate all adult fun on the trip.

synced vacationsは「同時期の休暇」でしょうか?あと、push back on my partner's insistenceはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

A 回答 (2件)

■「synced 【略】=synchronized 同期(化)された」ですので、「synced vacations」は「同期化された休暇」、すなわち、質問者さんのおっしゃる通り、「同時期の休暇」でOKだと思います。

■「push back」には「〈…を〉後ろへ押しやる[返す]、〈敵を〉後退させる」という意味がありますが、「push back on my partner's insistence」は「夫の主張に反対する」という意味でしょう。ちなみに、pushbackを名詞で使えば「反対、抵抗」という意味になります。
(例)Around the world, there is a pushback on women’s rights.
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お礼日時:2019/03/30 20:38

syncedはNo.1 さんの書かれている通り、シンクロナイズの略語ですから、同日程のバケーションという意味ですね。

I am wondering whether there's a way to back out without seeming like a party pooper, or if I should push back on my partner's insistence that we eliminate all adult fun on the trip.
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お礼日時:2019/03/30 20:38
