

A 回答 (1件)

下記OXFORD辞書にある通り、"hinge" は「要点」というよりも、「蝶番」から転じた、「結節点」、「転換点」として使われるのではないでしょうか。

1.2A central or pivotal point or principle on which everything depends.
‘this period can be called the hinge of history’
More example sentences
‘Cop Rock represents a hinge, a pivotal point on the door of possibility.’
‘The Association was formed at a fateful turning of the hinge of our strategic history - the fall of Saigon in 1975.’
‘I think it's important to recognize that we are at the hinge of history.’
‘These are at least nation-scale questions, ones whose answers turn the hinges of history.’
‘Only now are we beginning to sense a hinge in history, a time when the earth is beginning to move beneath our feet.’
‘So the 1530's is indeed the hinge decade for English history.’
‘He was also the hinge and the catalyst for the largest covert operation in history - the war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.’
‘It takes incredible faith to lead during hinge points of history.’
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お礼日時:2020/11/01 20:36
