

質問︙Do you think school classroom in Japan shuld use air conditioners in the summer?

私の答え︙Yes, I do. I think school classroom in Japan shuld use air conditioners in the summer. I have two reasons. First, if school classrooms in summer does not use air conditioners, students feel will not good. Second, use air conditioners in the summer is give to students good place for there studying.


A 回答 (4件)


if school classrooms in summer does not use air conditioners, students feel will not good. (夏の学校がエアコンを使わないと、生徒はよく感じないだろう)
→ if school classrooms "do" not use air conditioners in the summer, students "do not feel good". (夏に学校でエアコンを使わないと、生徒はよく感じないだろう) ""マークは直したところを書いてるだけなので実際には書かないでくださいね笑

Second, use air conditioners in the summer is give to students a good place for there studying. (夏にエアコンを使うは生徒に与える、彼らの勉強に良い場所。)
→Second, "using" air conditioners in the summer gives students a good "environment" for "their" studying. (夏にエアコンを使うことで生徒に勉強の良い環境を与える。)

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お礼日時:2021/05/02 13:02

同じ文脈で"in summer"と"in the summer"を混ぜて使っていますが、質問文では"in the summer"となっているので"in the summer"に統一すべきでしょう。

なお、一般的には"in summer"と"in the summer"は同義で使われますが、イギリス英語では"in summer"、アメリカ英語では"in the summer"と表現するのが普通とされています。
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お礼日時:2021/05/02 13:01

First, if school classrooms in summer does not use air conditioners, students feel will not good. Second, use air conditioners in the summer is give to students good place for there studying.

→First, if school classrooms in summer do not use air conditioners, students won't feel good. Second, using air conditioners in summer is to give students good place for there studying.

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お礼日時:2021/05/02 13:01

Do you think school classrooms in Japan should use air conditioners in the summer?

Yes, I do.
I think school classrooms in Japan should use air conditioners in the summer.

I have two reasons. (月並みなので以下でも)
➡The reason why I think so are as follows.

First, if school classrooms do not use air conditioners in the summer, students do not feel good (well でも).

Second, air conditioners in the summer will provide an ideal learning environment for students.

*classroom は可算名詞ですから、複数にするか冠詞をつけましょう。
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お礼日時:2021/05/02 13:00
