
2. The U.S.A,'s entering the Second World War was a _____ decision sion.

3. After seven years of unending quarrels, husband and wife decided to ____.

4. Under the Constitution adopted in 1947, Japan is a constitutional _____.

5. Tourists may not enter the small buildings of the Great Shrine at Ise because they are thought of as being _____.

6. At the end of his will he added, 'I trust that my _____ will respect all my wishes.'

7. Japan is divided between mourning and protest over former Prime Minister Abe's state _____.

8. Considering how often I drive, it is strange that I have never ___ a traffic-accident.

9. This new book on children's psychology is
____to anyone who is bringing up or educating a young child.

10. Fred, our best friend and much-loved colleague, _____ last November, and will be greatly missed.

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