


投稿日時 - 2011-07-05 15:37:52

A 回答 (2件)


When I was a child I had a pet dog named “Taro”. He was a lovely dog and I loved him very much.
I played with him every day when I came home after school. I was a shy and very quiet boy so I didn’t have many friends at school.
Taro was my best friend. He was always there for me.
You have no idea how shocked I was when Taro died.
One morning in Summer I left home for school as usual. I shouted “See you later, Taro!” toward his kennel. I expected him to come out to see me off wagging his tail.
But there was no sign of Taro. I approached his kennel and looked into it. Then, my blood froze. Inside I saw Taro curled up - his body cold and stiff.
I didn’t go to school that day. I buried Taro in my garden with my mum’s help. I stayed in front of his grave until the sky got dark.
This is one of my unhappiest childhood memories.

The county I really want to visit is Australia. I love animals and I know there are a lot of interesting animals in Australia such as koalas and kangaroos.
My uncle lives in Australia. He is Japanese but is married to an Australian woman. He showed me some photographs of the country.
Australia also has beautiful beaches and he said people there are very friendly. I would like to try surfing and hold a koala in my arms if I go to Australia. But most importantly, I am interested in English language so if I go to Australia I will have a chance to improve my English.
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Nothing is more powerful than the memories created by a child's experiences.
Every day of adult life is touched by the memories of childhood experiences.
I was born in Casa Grande, Texas.
When I was about ten years old, a neighbor needed Mom to drive her to town.
We lived on a farm six miles out of town
Few people in the community had a car or truck available.
It was summer, so Mom left my brother and me at the house.
Soon after she left, we heard a noise in the attic.
The more we listened the louder the noise grew.
The louder the noise grew, the wilder our imaginations grew.
In a short time, we decided someone was in the attic; then we decided that it was dangerous to stay in the house.
We finally stood by the highway until Mom and the neighbor came back.
With grave concern, we told Mom about the man in the attic.
Without laughing, Mom took a baseball bat and led the troops into the attic to confront the man--only to find an empty attic.

The country I want to go to most of all is Japan, in particular the ancient capital, Kyoto.
Kyoto is an ancient city with a 1200 year history.
There are many historic buildings.
I heard that Kyoto was established as Japan's capital under the name "Heian-kyo" in the year 794.
Although many transformations have taken place over the years, Kyoto has always adopted the most advanced standards of the times.
It has greatly contributed to the nation's industrial, economic and cultural development and strength.
The dauntless and leading spirit of Kyoto's past as a capital city, is still felt there today.
I heard that in the modern age, Kyoto lost its rights as the political capital, to Edo (modern day Tokyo).
In the first year of the Meiji period (1868), Kyoto regained its status as capital.
The aboves are reason why I want to go to Japan.
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