
(1)Now that the human and mouse genome sequences are known, attention has turned
to elucidating gene function and identifying gene products that might have therapeutic
value. The laboratory mouse has had a prominent role in the study of
human disease mechanisms throughout the rich, 100-year history of classical mouse genetics,
exemplified by the lessons learned from naturally occurring mutants.


exemplifed byをどのように訳していいのかそしてどこにつなげればいいのかわかりませんでした。

(2)Such marking of cells by a reporter gene facilitates the identification of new cell types according to their gene expression patterns and allows further characterization of marked tissues and single cells.



(3)A coordinated project to systematically knock out all mouse genes is likely to be of enormous benefit to the research community, given the demonstrated power of knockout mice to elucidate gene function, the frequency of unpredicted phenotypes in knockout mice, the potential economies of scale in an organized and carefully planned project, and the high cost and lack of availability of knockout mice being made in current efforts.



(4)Knockout ES cells and mice currently available from the public and private sectors should be incorporated into the genome-wide initiative as much as possible, although some may be need to be produced again if they were made with suboptimal methods (e.g., not including a marker) or if
their use is restricted by intellectual property or other constraints.

(5)The advantages of such a systematic and coordinated effort include efficient production with reduced costs; uniform use of knockout methods, allowing for more comparability between knockout mice; and ready access to mice, their derivatives and data to all researchers without encumbrance. Solutions to the logistical, organizational and informatics issues associated with producing, characterizing and distributing such a large number of mice will draw from the experience of related
projects in the private sector and in academia, which have made or phenotyped hundreds of knockout mice using a variety of techniques.

(6)Lessons learned from these projects include the need for redundancy at each step to mitigate
pipeline bottlenecks and the need for robust informatics systems to track the production,
analysis, maintenance and distribution of thousands of targeting constructs, ES cells and mice.



A 回答 (4件)

> (4) Knockout ES cells and mice currently available from the public and private sectors should be incorporated into the genome-wide initiative as much as possible, although some may be needed to be produced again if they were made with suboptimal methods (e.g., not including a marker) or if their use is restricted by intellectual property or other constraints.

 * ここではノックアウト処理された細胞やマウスの入手の問題について述べています。

 「ノックアウト処理されたES細胞やマウスは、今では公的な機関や民間の企業から入手することが可能です。可能な限りゲノムの全領域にわたって自由に操作することが認められていなければならないのですが、好ましい手法でノックアウトされていない (たとえばマーカーが組み込まれていない) ので改めてノックアウトする必要があったり、知的財産権の対象となっていて使用に制限が設けられていたり、何らかの制約が課されていることがあります」

> (5) The advantages of such a systematic and coordinated effort include efficient production with reduced costs; uniform use of knockout methods, allowing for more comparability between knockout mice; and ready access to mice, their derivatives and data to all researchers without encumbrance. Solutions to the logistical, organizational and informatics issues associated with producing, characterizing and distributing such a large number of mice will draw from the experience of related projects in the private sector and in academia, which have made or phenotyped hundreds of knockout mice using a variety of techniques.

 * 並列的な記述になっているので、訳しにくいですね。


> (6) Lessons learned from these projects include the need for redundancy at each step to mitigate pipeline bottlenecks and the need for robust informatics systems to track the production, analysis, maintenance and distribution of thousands of targeting constructs, ES cells and mice.

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お礼日時:2013/07/16 16:38




>exemplifed byをどのように訳していいのかそしてどこにつなげればいいのかわかりませんでした。

 "the rich, 100-year history of classical mouse genetics"(豊富で100年もの歴史を持つ古典的マウス遺伝学)は、個々のさまざまな突然変異を例として、遺伝子の何たるかを徐々に学んできた歴史がある、といったところでしょう。




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お礼日時:2013/07/16 15:45

> (2) Such marking of cells by a reporter gene facilitates the identification of new cell types according to their gene expression patterns and allows further characterization of marked tissues and single cells.

> このようなレポーター遺伝子による細胞のマーキングはこの遺伝子群の発現パターンに関する新規細胞型の同定を促進し、マーカーした組織のさらなる特性の同定、そして単一細胞群の同定を可能にする。

 * 問題ないように思えます。


> (3) A coordinated project to systematically knock out all mouse genes is likely to be of enormous benefit to the research community, given the demonstrated power of knockout mice to elucidate gene function, the frequency of unpredicted phenotypes in knockout mice, the potential economies of scale in an organized and carefully planned project, and the high cost and lack of availability of knockout mice being made in current efforts.

> すべてのマウスの機能的にノックアウトをするためという一致した計画は、研究分野への莫大な利益をもたらす可能性がある。明らかになったノックアウトマウスの情報からノックアウトマウス中における前代未聞の表現型の出現頻度、組織化され、そして慎重に計画されたプロジェクトにおけるスケールの潜在的利用価値、そして近年の功労で得られたノックアウトマウスの高価格で利用性が損なわれているなどという遺伝子機能を評価するための効力は実際に論証されてきた。

 * given ... は 「・・・ ということを考慮に入れると」 という意味があります。この部分の要旨は、A coordinated project の有用性ということです。

    • good
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お礼日時:2013/07/16 16:00

> (1) Now that the human and mouse genome sequences are known, attention has turned

to elucidating gene function and identifying gene products that might have therapeutic
value. The laboratory mouse has had a prominent role in the study of
human disease mechanisms throughout the rich, 100-year history of classical mouse genetics,
exemplified by the lessons learned from naturally occurring mutants.

> 今日、ヒトとマウスのゲノムシーケンスは既知のものとなり、この情報から我々の関心は遺伝子の機能の評価と治療的価値の可能性のある遺伝子産物の同定をするものへと変わってきた。研究室のマウスは古典的マウス遺伝子学の100年の歴史の中で変異が自然に生じることから得られた教えによって例証してきた豊富な情報から至る所でヒト疾患の機構を研究するために重要な役割を担っていた。

 * exemplify = to show by example で、The laboratory mouse has ... exemplified by ... というつながりだと思います。


* とりあえず、この部分だけを見てみました。

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Given that ~を考慮に入れるとという論文ではマストの文章表現など見逃してはならない表現方法など解説を賜り本当にありがとうございます。

お礼日時:2013/07/16 15:52
