

1 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) system extends the reach of a wired network to include wireless laptops and PDAs within a room ob building.

2 Virtually all wireless LANs operate using one of several IEEE 802-series standards; 802.11a,802.11b,and 802.11g, collectively known as the Wi-Fi standards.

3 These standards define a method for transporting Ethernet network signals using a digital radio link instead of a physical Ethernet cable.

4 Wireless LANs use a device called an access point that provides wireless coverage for a limited area.

5 The access point provides a bridge between an existing Ethernet LAN and all of the wireless-equipped computers within range of the access point.

6 Wi-Fi networks use complex data encoding schemes similar to those used in GPS satellites and advanced digital cellular telephone networks to send data across the radio link.

7 The radios in these systems use differential phase shift keying to impose the data onto the radio signal.

8 The range of Wi-Fi access points varies, but each access point typically covers a radius of 200-300 feet and often much less

9 You can cover an entire building or campus by using multiple access points attached to the LAN.

10 Access points broadcast their names and invite client computer to link.

11 A single access point can connect to many clients at the same time.

12 Each client has a unique identifier called a mac address that enables the access point to tell one client from another.

13 If a client is within range of several access points, it chooses the one with the best signal strength.

14 Security across wireless links is important, so wireless LANs use authentication and encryption to maintain security.

15 In the simplest and most effective form of authentication, an access point will only connect to clients having specific mac address number.

16 Mac address are burned into client adapter card chipsets during manufacture and are very difficult to mimic.

17 More complex authentication schemes use public key authentication systems, including smart cards and biometric scanning, to confirm the identity of the user.

18 Wireless network encryption comes in two forms: the older Wired Equivalency Privacy (WEP) and the newer Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA).

19 Both use the RC4 encryption algorithm, which is known as a stream cipher.

20 A stream cipher operates by using mathematical operations to create a pseudorandom stream of data from a key of 40 or 128 bits.

21 The transmitting device mixes the payload data with the pseudorandom stream to produce an encrypted data stream.

A 回答 (2件)

1. 無線LANシステム(WLAN)を利用することで、部屋やビルの中で有線LANでは接続できないラップトップやPDAなどにネットワーク接続範囲を拡げることができる。

2.すべての無線LANは、仮想的にIEEE802規格(802.11a,802.11b,and 802.11gなど)を利用している。これらを総じてWiFiスタンダードと呼んでいる。





7.これらのシステムで使用している無線機能では、無線信号にデータを載せる際、位相シフトキーイング(differential phase shift keying)を利用している。

8. WiFiアクセスポイントのカバー範囲は様々あるが、一個のアクセスポイントのカバー範囲は200-200フィート以内であるのが一般的である。



11. 一個のアクセスポイントは、同時に多数のクライアントと接続することが可能である。










21. データを送信する端末は、この擬似乱数ストリームと搬送データとミックスして、暗号化したデータストリームを生成している。
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>A single access point can connect to many clients at the same time.

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