



  • 続きです。

      補足日時:2018/04/25 23:03
  • 続きです。

      補足日時:2018/04/25 23:05

A 回答 (1件)

1. 1) It will be tomorrow.

2) Tom will be absent next Monday.
3) My father will use the car this weekend.

2 1) I'm going to buy a bag in Tokyo.
2) Ben is planning to back to England next year.
3) The sky is dark. It is likely to rain tonight.
4) Where are you going to each lunch?

3. 1) The summer vacation stars next friday.
2) はい、ママ、僕だよ。
3) お昼ごはんを食べ済んだら、図書館まで来てよ。
4) もし明日が天気が良かったら、わたしたちは海に行く予定です。
4. 1) The window is open. I will shut it.
2) My father will come home late tonight.
3) Ron and I is going to see the movies tomorrow.
4) I will call you when Shun come back.
    • good
    • 0
