

The frequency with which the facts in the autobiographies and speeches of statesmen are challenged s
uggests that the world has not yet begun to produce ideal statesmen who have the genius of memory and of intellect combined.

The frequency ~ challengedをThat説に書き換えるとどうなりますか?

A 回答 (3件)

[That the facts in the autobiographies and speeches of statesmen are challenged so frequently]

suggests that the world has not yet begun to produce ideal statesmen who have the genius of memory and of intellect combined.
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The frequency with which the facts in the autobiographies and speeches of statesmen are challenged suggests that the world has not yet begun to produce ideal statesmen who have the genius of memory and of intellect combined.


That the facts in the autobiographies and speeches of statesmen are challenged so frequently suggests that the world has not yet begun to produce ideal statesmen who have the genius of memory and of intellect combined.
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以下のようにwith(前置詞)+whichだった関係代名詞をthatに変えると、withは元々あったare challengedの後ろに戻ります。
with frequencyは「頻繁に」と言う熟語です。

The frequency that the facts in the autobiographies and speeches of statesmen are challenged with suggests that the world has not yet begun to produce ideal statesmen who have the genius of memory and of intellect combined.

能動態の場合、主語はsuggests thatの後ろのthe worldと同じと見れば「世間、世の中、世界」と推察されるので、by~は省略されたと取ることが出来ます。
文の後半に接続詞のthat(suggests that~)が使われていて混同しやすいので、thatにはせずwith whichとしたものと思います。
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