
Said one commentator about the Hangzhou rescue: “Yesterday [US President] Obama had a beer with out-of-work construction workers. Today, I see a story about an American tourist jumping into the water to save someone. I finally realized why America is such a strong country and will continue to be one.”

By Tuesday afternoon, more than 9.3 million people had posted comments on the toddler’s accident on Sina’s Weibo, the leading microblog, or Tencent Holdings’ QQ service. Far fewer commented on the Hangzhou rescue — in the scores of thousands — but those who did raised the same ethical questions.

In an unscientific online survey conducted by the Web site ifeng.com, the 170,000 respondents, who voted on their own initiative, judged by a wide margin that the toddler’s case was proof that the Chinese people’s morals and mutual trust were eroding under the pressures of modern society.

Yet the question of compassion in Chinese society is not a new one. In 1894, an American missionary, Arthur H. Smith, wrote an influential book, Chinese Characteristics, in which an entire chapter, Absence of Sympathy, raised some of the same questions.

A 回答 (2件)

Said one commentator about the Hangzhou rescue: “Yesterday [US President] Obama had a beer with out-of-work construction workers. Today, I see a story about an American tourist jumping into the water to save someone. I finally realized why America is such a strong country and will continue to be one.”


By Tuesday afternoon, more than 9.3 million people had posted comments on the todler’s accident on Sina’s Weibo, the leading microblog, or Tencent Holdings’ QQ service. Far fewer commented on the Hangzhou rescue — in the scores of thousands — but those who did raised the same ethical questions.
火曜の午後までに、930万人以上が、よちよち歩きの幼女の事故について、主要なマイクロブログ、「Sina’s Weibo」、または、「Tencent Holdings’のQQサービス」上にコメントを送信しました。杭州での救助に関しては、はるかに少数(数千の単位)の人しかコメントしませんでしたが、しかし、コメントした人々は、同じ倫理的問題を持ち出していました。

In an unscientific online survey conducted by the Web site ifeng.com, the 170,000 rspondents, who voted on their own initiative, judged by a wide margin that the toddler’s case was proof that the Chinese people’s morals and mutual trust were eroding under the pressures of modern society.

Yet the question of compassion in Chinese society is not a new one. In 1894, an American missionary, Arthur H. Smith, wrote an influential book, Chinese Char-acteristics, in which an entire chapter, Absence of Sympathy, raised some of the same questions.
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