
至急添削お願いします(> <)3文で、尊敬する人についての英作文です。

The person I respect is Lady Gaga.

The reason why I respect her is that she works as a singer and supports the world's poverty problems and the movement against bullying.

And I also respect she humble attitude.

A 回答 (2件)

The person I respect is Lady Gaga.

The reason/why I respect her is that she works as a singer and supports the world's poverty problems and the movement against bullying.

* the reason, why のどちらか一語でOK。

And I also respect HER humble attitude.
    • good
    • 2

ありがとうございます( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎

お礼日時:2018/06/27 17:00

The person I respect is Lady Gaga.

The reason why I respect her is that she tackles the world's poverty problems and supports the movement against bullying while working.

And I also respect her humble attitude.
    • good
    • 0
