

I do not think that Japan should accept more refugees.
there are two reasons for it.
First,accepting more refugees led to the deterioration of security in japan. Most refugees can not speak Japanese. So, It is difficult for them to understannd Japanese culture,rules and manners. Also, It takes time to understand it.
Second,accepting more refugees cost a lot of money. They need to study Japanese and have place to live in Japan. So,Japan has to give them education,living and housing expenses.
Above of all, I do not think that Japan should accept more refugees.

A 回答 (2件)


I am against the---
accepting more refugees leads---
Also, they need much time----

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I an against the idea that Japan should accept more refugees.

There are two reasons.
Firstly, accepting more refugees lead to the deterioration of security in Japan.
Most refugees can not speak Japanese.
This causes the difficult for them to understand Japanese culture, rules and manners.
Also, it takes much time to understand them.
Secondly, accepting more refugees costs a lot of money.
They have to study Japanese and have houses to live in in Japan.
As a result, Japan has to spend education, living and housing expenses.
As a conclusion, I do not think that Japan should accept more refugees.
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ありがとうございます! 助かりました。

お礼日時:2018/12/04 22:00
