
skyward cloud という大学入試用長文問題集に次のような1文があります。
Two years in the making, the 1977 film, Tubby the Tuba, looked awful and the story did not work.(製作に2年を費やした1977年の映画『チューバのタビー』の絵は劣悪で、ストーリーはうまくいっていなかった。)

この文頭のTwo years in the makingが分かりません。

The 1977 film, Tubby the Tuba, which spent two years in the making, looked awful and the story did not work.

A 回答 (2件)

Two years in the making, the 1977 film, Tubby the Tuba...

= Having been in the process of being made for two years, the 1977 film, Tubby the Tuba...
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in the making idiom

Definition of in the making
: in the process of being made
The film was three years in the making.
She has a talent for spotting problems in the making.
We were watching history in the making.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/in%20 …
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