
全世界で1200万部以上も売れたらしいアメリカの小説「ザリガニの鳴くところ」の洋書をアマゾンで売っています。私の英語の力は中級くらいかなと勝手に思っていますが、この本を実際に読まれ人にお聞きしたいんです。英語は難しいですか? 読みやすいですか?面白いですか?

A 回答 (5件)



英文自体は比較的平易です。ただ我々外国人には馴染みの少ないアメリカの湿地帯に生きる鳥や魚や植物の名前が多く出てくるので読み始めの頃は辞書を引く回数が多いと思います。また会話をその発音通りに、例えば “I git lost all the time” (= I get lost all the time) のように書いてあったりするのでこれも馴れるまでちょっと戸惑います。
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「Prologue (1969)

Two boys find the body of Chase Andrews next to an abandoned fire tower in the swamp on October 30, 1969.

Chapter 1 (1952)

On a hot August day, six-year-old Kya watches her mother leave the shack, wearing fake alligator shoes and carrying a blue suitcase. Kya knows Ma isn’t coming back, even though her brother Jodie, who is twelve, says otherwise.

While she waits for Ma to return, Kya remembers the bruises on Ma’s face, presumably from Kya’s drunk father beating her. Jodie distracts Kya with games, but Kya keeps watching for Ma.

Chapter 2 (1952)

Pa, a disabled World War II veteran is prone to violence. One by one, Kya’s siblings, Missy, Murph, Mandy, and Jodie fall victim to Pa’s beatings and leave home. Jodie tells Kya to hide from Pa and others who come to the house.
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When they are out of food, Pa gives Kya a dollar a week to take care of herself and the house. Kya walks four miles to the Piggly Wiggly grocery in Barkley Cove. Three older boys on bikes, one of them Chase Andrews, ride recklessly past Kya on the sidewalk and Miss Pansy Price from Kress’s Five and Dime scolds them. One night, sitting on the beach talking to seagulls, Kya sees the full October moon and realizes that she is now seven years old.」

https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/where-the-crawdad …

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アマゾンなら Kindle で無料サンプルが読めますよ。

「Where the Crawdads Sing」。日本語翻訳も売っています。
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