
>In announcing their investment in Rio Tinto, Chinalco and Alcoa reserved the right to make a full offer within the next six months. But mining industry specialists said they doubted that the Chinese company would do so.

昨日質問したもの(2月7日)より2日前(2月5日)の記事なのですが、ここでのfull offerというのが具体的に何をすることなのか良く分かりません。

The world’s biggest mining company, BHP Billiton, must decide by Wednesday whether it will proceed with a bid for a rival, the Rio Tinto Group, after China intervened with a strategic investment that could sharply increase the price of what would be one of the biggest mergers in corporate history.
On Friday, the Aluminum Corporation of China, which is owned by the government and known as Chinalco, joined the Aluminum Company of America, or Alcoa, in paying $14 billion for 12 percent of Rio Tinto. Chinalco contributed $12.8 billion to the Rio Tinto investment.
Chinalco’s investment was widely interpreted as a blocking move and another indication that China was hostile to the merger.
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/05/business/world …

A 回答 (1件)

○ 解説

【full offer】

○ 訳

※ BPH社がRio社を買収すると世界的に大きな問題が起きる可能性があるので、中国の息のかかった、Chnalco社とAlcoa社がRio社の買収を防止する「ホワイト・ナイト」の役割をすることが期待されているが、中国はそれほど簡単に動かないだろう、という分析でしょうか(?)
    • good
    • 0



お礼日時:2008/02/12 00:05
