
英語で、「あなたを愛してる」「好き」などといった言葉って「I love you」以外に何かありますか?こんな告白の言葉がある、っていうでも構いません。

A 回答 (6件)

歯が浮くような内容ばかりですが、現地のHumourSphereにあるlove greetingsを紹介します。


I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

It takes a minute to have a crush, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

To love you is to receive a glimpse of heaven.

Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like your unrequited love.

I appreciate all the things you do, and the way you show you care.

When God gave you to me, he planted the image of you deep in my heart.

When you left, my world turned upside down

I love you more than all the tea in China.

I'll love you till the end! And then some.

If love were a movie, you'd be a coming attraction.

If love were to be taxed, I would be the highest tax payer.

The most important things in my world are to get food, drink and to love you.

A day without your love is a day without life.

I can't think of anything but you.

I don't know how I could have done that thing, when I love you like life itself. Please forgive me.

You're the best thing since God made men.

You're the best thing since God made women.

You are my friend, my love, my forever Valentine.

The only love worthy of a name is unconditional.


Dear Love,

I write this to you because my heart is filled with emotion. We often look into each others eyes and say, " I love you". You'll know these words I say are true, when you look into my eyes.
Mine eyes are the windows to my soul. If you look deep into my eyes... you will see what I can not verbally hide. For my eyes reveal many things.
You'll see the calmness that I feel after we've watched the sun set in the distance, the tears that often emerge when I'm filled with happy thoughts of you, the sureness of knowing you're there for me, the pain I feel when at times I can do nothing to help you, the respect that I have for your strong character.....
My love, in mine eyes you will see what I can not hide. You will see my soul. And you see the love that I have for you! Only in mine eyes... you will see.



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4段にかかったリンクで、好き勝手な事を書いた私ですが、Take my love and take my body with it until I die! は、分かりにくかったんですね. すみませんでした.

loveには、いろいろな意味があります. 人に対してとは限りませんが、人に対してでも、恋人との愛(恋愛)から、親族に対しての愛、赤の他人に対してへの愛など、かなり広い意味を持ちます.

ここで、何にでも使える愛ということではなく、自分の持っている愛の感情と一緒に体を死ぬまで受け取ってください、という言い方をして、告白の対象になる愛(恋愛)をあらわすことが出来ますね. I love you!、だから、死んで分かれてしまうまで、私のすべてを愛して、という感じかな. (どっちかと言うと、男性から女性への言葉)


日本語でも、いろいろあるんじゃないかな. その文章があなたのフィーリングであれば、それを英語に直せば言いのです. 

逢いたい(I miss you)があなたの愛から来る感情であれば、それが、I love youと同じ意味を持つと言う事です.

一緒にいたい(I want to be with you all the time)もそうですね.

いつもあなたの事を思っています,あなたの事が忘れられない(I'm thinking of you all the time)もそうですね.

私にとってあなたは全て(You are everything to me)もよく使われますね.


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告白って、結構ヒントの意味で言う時もありますね. 探りを入れる、って言う事です. そして、その反応がよければ、ちゃんとした告白、と言う手順もいいのではないでしょうか.

Why does my heart beat hard when I'm with you?

Have you loved anybody as I do now?

I feel I'm in love. Do you?

Love needs two to enjoy. I got myself.


I'm so happy to receive your love.

I want you to know how happy I am because we are in love together.

God gave everybody a gift. Mine is you, and I will be yours forever.

Touch me and I can feel the heart of your love.

I miss you and I want to feel your love more!

Distance strengthens love, they say. I know they are right.

We may be far aprt physically. But we go nowhere because our love is here with us.

Everynight I sleep with the teddy bear you gave me.

I want to see you and be with you more and now!


I've been feeling special about you.

I have been thinking of you and you are in my heart all the time.

Can you fill my love with yours?

You are my sunshine in the day and the moon in the night. You are now everything to me.

I love you and only you.

God finally gave me the strenth to say "I love you"

もっと、過激に行きますか? <g>

How can I live without you?

Take my love and take my body with it until I die!

Kill me if you can not love me! (ここまで来ると、チョット、考え物ですね.でも、愛の告白には違いないですね)


これでいいでしょうか。 分からない点がありましたら、補足質問してください。




Take my love and take my body with it until I die!


補足日時:2003/07/06 21:04
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I want to be your everything. とか

I will always love you.

Every day, Every night , all I think is about you.

自分の気持ちは一番だから、「I love you」以外の言い回ししなくても、良いと思ってますよ。
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お礼日時:2003/07/06 21:04


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お礼日時:2003/07/06 21:03


I miss you.
I want you.
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「I miss you」も告白の言葉なんですね~。成る程。参考になりました。

お礼日時:2003/07/06 21:02
