
One Day Last Year

One day last year, when I was driving back to work after I'd had lunch,
I had an amazing and unforgettable experience. It must have been two
o'clock, or perhaps a quarter of an hour later - a quarter past two. It
was an incredible thing really. I was sitting there, at the steering
wheel of my new car, waiting for the lights to change, when all of a
sudden the car started to shake this way and that, rocking from side to
side, throwing me backwards and forwards, up and down. I felt as if I
was riding a bucking horse. Worse than that, some mysterious spirit or
hostile force seemed to be venting its vast fury upon the earth. And the
noise! There was a kind of deep groaning and horrible awesome grinding
which seemed to fill the air.

And then, a short while after, the whole paroxysm had stopped, just as
suddenly. Everything was calm and smooth again, quiet and peaceful once
more. I put my foot down, just a gentle pressure on the accelerator - or
the gas pedal as it's known in America - and drove off. Everything was
utterly normal once more.

So then: was this some very local and momentary earth-tremor which had
struck us, or, I asked myself, was it a supernatural visitation, some
fiery storm of diabolical wrath? Or was it, rather, merely that I'd
drunk a double vodka or two during my lunch?


A 回答 (2件)


昨年のある日、昼食をとっと後、私が、車で職場に戻ろうとしていた時、私は、驚くべき、忘れられない経験をしました。 それは、2時、あるいは、恐らく、15分過ぎ、つまり、2時15分ごろであったにちがいありません。それは、本当に驚くべきことでした。私は、そこ、すなわち、私の新車の運転席に座って、信号が変わるのを待っていました、その時、突然、車が、あちらこちらに振動を始め、左右に揺れ、私を、前後、上下に揺らし始めたのです。私は、まるで、暴れ馬に乗っているように感じました。それより悪かったのは、何か神秘的な霊や敵意のある力が、地上にその巨大な怒りを放出しているように思えたことでした。そしてその騒音ときたら!大気を満たすかと思える一種の深いうめく様な、そして、ぞっとする恐ろしい摩擦音がしました。


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