
[ ]の語句から( )にあてはまる適切なものを教えて下さい

1.One of the students who ( ) in the office now came here yesterday also. [is /are/am]

2.The man was waiting for somebody at the station ( ) I just got out the train. [when /which/where]

3.The house ( ) I live is very convenient for commuting. [at where/ in which / on which]

4.I am going to visit the museum ( ) you visited last month. [what / where /when]

5.Everything ( ) is connected with this project must be reported to the director. [which/ that/of which]

6.After hitting the Bahamas , the hurriane is fast () the East Cast. [ coming/

7.The hen ( ) seven eggs this morning , but none of them has hatched yet. [layed/lay/laid/lie]

8.The project chief ( ) for this company for twenty years next March. [has been working/is working/would been working / will have been working]

9.The committee will ( ) the annual budget proposed by the accounting department. [discuss/discuss for /discuss on/discuss about]

10.( ) the survey report ordered by the Mayor last month? [have you finished/ did you finish /had you finished/are you finished]

11.I interviewed two women both ( ) are married and want to work in the food industry. [of them / who/ of whom/of who]

12.All employees shold take responsibility ( ) when talking to prospective clients. [for what they say/in which they say/for the meaning they mean/in to mean]

13.Bird flu infection only occurs ( ) people and fowl live in close proximity. [due to/ what/where/as]

14.This information about our company hiring policy should have been given to the applicants who ( ) last week. [interviewed/were interviewed/are interviewing/interviews]

15.Congratulations! You are the one millionth customer ( ) our shopping mall. [to come /who will come to/has visit/to visit]

A 回答 (4件)

1. is

2. when
3. where
4. where
5. which/that どちらでも可。
6. approaching
7. laid
8. will have been working
9. discuss
10. have you finished
11. of them
12. for what they say
13. where
14. were interviewed
15. who will come to

    • good
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1. 出題者としては確実に are(実際には is も可)

2. when
3. in which
4. where(選択肢としてはこれしかないですが,普通は that か which,というか省略)
5. that が好まれるが,which も可。普通は that でいいです。
6. approaching
7. laid
8. will have been working
9. discuss
10. Have you finished(last month は ordered にかかる?)紛らわしい問題
11. of whom ただし,both の前にコンマが必要。
12. for what they say
13. where
14. were interviewed
15. to visit

    • good
    • 0

1.One of the students who (are) in the office now came here yesterday also.

2.The man was waiting for somebody at the station ( when ) I just got out the train.

3.The house ( in which ) I live is very convenient for commuting.

4. I am going to visit the museum ( where ) you visited last month.

5.Everything ( that ) is connected with this project must be reported to the director.

6.After hitting the Bahamas , the hurricane is fast ( approaching ) the East Cast.

7.The hen ( laid ) seven eggs this morning , but none of them has hatched yet.

8.The project chief ( will have been working ) for this company for twenty years next March.

9.The committee will (discuss ) the annual budget proposed by the accounting department.

10.( have you finished ) the survey report ordered by the Mayor last month?

11.I interviewed two women both ( of whom ) are married and want to work in the food industry.

12.All employees should take responsibility ( for what they say ) when talking to prospective clients.

13.Bird flu infection only occurs ( where ) people and fowl live in close proximity.

14.This information about our company hiring policy should have been given to the applicants who ( were interviewed ) last week.

15.Congratulations! You are the one millionth customer ( to visit ) our shopping mall.
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1.One of the students who ( ) in the office now came here yesterday also. [is /are/am]

これ,確実に入試問題としては are です。
先行詞は the students という複数なので。

でも,実際の英語ではこの one に当たる人自体のことでもあり,
one という単数に引かれて is もよく用いられます。

(the only one of 複数なら単数呼応,普通に one of 複数なら複数呼応,

と言ってもここで回答する人誰もが are に決まってると答えるでしょうね。
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