

(1) A : What skills are needed for this job ?
B : First of all, computer ()()()()()() in this company.

①are ②employed ③everyone ④of ⑤required ⑥skills

(2) 私たちは自然界を眺めると、至る所にその原理が働いているのをみることができる。

We ()()()()()()()()() in nature.

①at ②can ③find ④look ⑤principle ⑥the ⑦we ⑧wherever ⑨work

(3) この評価調査によって、君は他人の目を通して自分を見ることを学ぶだろう。

The evaluation questionnaire ()()()()()()()().

①other ②see you ③people ④as ⑤see yourself ⑥will teach ⑦you ⑧to

(4) あとどれくらいここにいるべきだと思いますか。

()()()()()()()()() here?

①do ②how ③longer ④much ⑤should ⑥stay ⑦think ⑧we ⑨you

(5) 彼が両親に手紙を書くのは金が必要なときだけだ。

It ()()()()()()()()()().

①he ②his parents ③is ④writes ⑤needs ⑥only ⑦that ⑧money ⑨to ⑩when he

A 回答 (1件)


First of all, computer skills are required of everyone employed in this company.

We can find the principle at work wherever we look in nature.

The evaluation questionnaire will teach you to see yourself as other people see you.

How much longer do you think we should stay here?

It is only when he needs money that he writes to his parents.
    • good
    • 1

