
答えを教えていただけませんか?お願いしますm(_ _)m

〇各文の( )内のうちの適当なほうを選びなさい。

(1)Do you know the woman (who /
whom) is talking with Mika?

(2)A person (whom / whose) job is to construct buildings is called a carpenter.

(3)That is the singer whom whose) my brother likes best.

(4)The boy (who /whose) is standing at the corner is my cousin.

〇aの下線部を先行詞(【 】で表します)として、次の2文を1文にしなさい。

(1)a. This is 【the bus】.
b. It goes to the airport.

(2) a. India is 【a country】.
b. Its population is very large.

(3)a. 【The movie】 was funny.
b. I saw it last week.

「関係代名詞の問題です! 答えを教えていた」の質問画像

A 回答 (3件)

(1) who

(2) whose
(3) whom
(4) who

(1) This is the bus which/that goes to the airport.
(2) India is a country whose population is very large.
(3) The movie I saw last week was funny.
    • good
    • 2


(3) The movie which/that I saw last week was funny.
    • good
    • 2


「関係代名詞の問題です! 答えを教えていた」の回答画像2
    • good
    • 2
